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Board of Directors Nomination Process

A flowchart indicating the process for electing a member to the Board of Directors

Role and Responsibilities

The primary role of a board of directors is to create and maintain the council’s strategy. Many of the duties and responsibilities expected of board members involve work performed in various committees such as auditing, compensation, reviewing CEO performance, nomination, and governance.


Employee of a member company/organization that meets the following criteria can self-nominate, or be nominated by another member:

  1. Membership categories:
    1. Poultry & Egg Producers
    2. Trading Company
    3. Associate
  2. In good standing (dues up-to-date)
  3. Willing to serve for a 3-year term

Candidates for director shall be elected by employees from Members' companies / organizations. A member company / organization can have no more than one employee as Director.

Employees of member company in the categories of Elite Trading Partner & Friend of USAPEEC are not eligible to be part of the board of directors, and are not eligible to nominate other members.

Nomination Process and Board Election Timeline

When a director’s 3-year term ends, the director will be sent a commitment letter. The letter will to pose two questions:

  1. Are they interested in renewing their term?
  2. In what areas and roles would they like to either increase their level of involvement or leadership?

Requests for nominations will be sent to all member companies at least 60 days in advance of the Annual Meeting. The list of candidates must be available to the Nominating Committee 30 days in advance of the Annual Meeting. Nominations from the floor will not be accepted.

Before completing the final list of candidates, members from the Nominating Committee will meet to review the list of candidates to ensure the candidates meet the characteristics that the current board is seeking.

The Nominating Committee will consider the following when reviewing the nominees:

Leadership Strengths: Previous board experience; comparable leadership experience; length of time as a USAPEEC member or in industry.

Diversity: Impact on board composition reflects the industry breadth of experience, type, size, and location.

Personal Attributes and Style: Interpersonal skills; emulate USAPEEC's core values (Advocacy, Service, Integrity, and Coalition Building); demonstrate ethical value.

After the review process has been completed, the committee forms a final slate of recommended candidates to the full board for formal approval during the annual meeting.

Proxy voting will be accepted on the written authorization of the board member who is giving the proxy. If the number of candidates for board positions is not greater than the number of positions open, the candidates will be considered elected by acclamation.

The term of the newly elected board directors will begin immediately following the election at the annual meeting. Board Directors will be required to sign a board commitment letter, and an on-boarding packet will be provided.

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